SERB POWER (Promoting Opportunities For Women in Exploratory Research)

SERB - POWER (Promoting Opportunities For Women in Exploratory Research) program is formulated to mitigate gender disparity in science and engineering research funding in various S&T programs in Indian academic institutions and R&D Laboratories. SERB - POWER is specially designed to provide structured effort toward enhanced diversity in research to ensure equal access and weighted opportunities for Indian women scientists engaged in research and development activities.


SERB would endeavor to create a funding framework for empowering women researchers in Science, Technology and Innovation(STI) under the following two categories:

This scheme aims to encourage emerging and eminent women researchers for individual-centric and competitive mode of research funding to undertake R&D activities in frontier areas of science and engineering. POWER Grants will empower women researchers by funding them under following two categories:

  1. Level I: The scale of funding upto 60 Lakhs for three years.
  2. Level II: The scale of funding upto 30 Lakhs for three years.

Proposals will be received through direct mode only.


  • Applicants [Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-Principal Investigator(s)(Co-PI(s))] should be Indian citizens.
  • The Applicant(s) must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution or national laboratory or in any other recognized R&D institution in India .
  • Applicants from IITs, IISERs, IISc, NITs, Central Universities, and National Labs of Central Government Institutions will be considered under Level I category, whereas applicants from State Universities/Colleges and Private Academic Institutions should apply under Level II category.
  • POWER Grant will be regulated through terms of reference confirming to SERB-CRG guidelines.
  • The selection will be based on the recommendations of Program Advisory Committee (PAC) constituted by the Board. If required, the applicants may be called for discussion/presentation.
  • SERB POWER grant will be regulated through terms of reference conforming to SERB CRG guidelines except sharing of 50 % non- recurring cost by National Laboratories and Research Institutions.
  • Woman scientists can not hold POWER Fellowship and POWER Grant at the same time.
  • Faculties recruited through UGC-Faculty Recharge Program are eligible to apply. INSPIRE Faculty, Ramanujan and Ramalingaswamy Fellows are also eligible to apply provided they have at least three and half years of tenure remaining at the time of submission of application.
  • There is a mandatory requirement for female CO-PI from the same institute.
  • Male CO-PI is not allowed in POWER Grant Research Scheme.
  • PhD guide cannot be CO-PI.
  • PIs who have already got a POWER Grant, are not allowed to apply again in POWER Grant Scheme.
  • JC Bose fellows and the PIs who have already completed two CRG are not allowed to apply for POWER Grant Research Scheme.
  • The number of CO-PIs should not exceed two per project.
  • The budget under the equipment head is limited to not more than Rs. 14 lakh for Tier II institutions (30 lakh limit).


For successful online submission of the application the following points may be noted:
  • Applicant(s) should first register into the online website click here to register
  • After log-in, applicant(s) are required to fill all the mandatory fields in Profile Detail section under User Profile. which includes Bio-data, Photo, Institute Address etc.
  • If you have CO-PI in your proposal then ensure that all the CO-PI's are also registered into the system following the same procedure.
  • Some of the details of your proposal like Project Title (max 500 characters), Project summary (max 3000 characters), Keywords (max 6), Objectives of project (max 1500 characters), Expected output and outcome of the proposal (max 1500 characters), Budget (Research Personnel,Consumables,Travel, Equipment, Contingency, Overheads ) have to be entered at the time of proposal submission.
  • Other relevant information of the proposal has to be uploaded in single PDF file not more than 10 MB as other technical document (OTD). Download Template


Women Scientists cannot hold POWER Fellowship and POWER Grant at the same time.

For queries & more:

Email: serb[dot]power22[at]gmail[dot]com

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1: I want to apply for a SERB- POWER research grants for the first time. What is the maximum amount of the grant the Board will fund?

A1: POWER Grants will empower women researchers by funding them under following two categories:

  • Level I: The scale of funding up to 60 Lakhs for three years.
  • Level II: The scale of funding up to 30 Lakhs for three years.


Q2: What is level I & Level II in SERB-POWER research grant?

A2: Applicants from IITs, IISERs, IISC, NITs, Central Universities, and national Labs of Central government Institutions will be considered under level I category.
Whereas applicants from state Universities/ Colleges and Private Academic Institutions should apply under Level II category.


Q3: Does the Board has any priority areas for funding under SERB- POWER research grant?

A3: No. The Board funds all the areas of Science and Engineering without discriminating between disciplines. The proposal will be funded if it has novelty and the investigator has the competence to execute the project.


Q4: I am currently executing an CRG project. I want to apply for another project under SERB- POWER research grant. Will I be funded another project?

A4: No. The Board funds only one project to an Investigator at a time, except in cases where calls for proposals are invited for specific areas/schemes/programs.


Q5: Are Co-Investigators allowed in SERB- POWER research grant project? If they are from different institutions, can the budget be provided separately to both the Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator(s)?

A5: Yes. Only female Co-Investigator(s) are allowed in SERB- POWER research grant project; provided the work proposed requires complementary expertise for its implementation. A separate budget can also be provided to the female Co-Investigator (s) even if they belong to different institutions.


Q6: Under which heads SERB-POWER research grant can be utilized?

A6: The SERB-POWER research grant is provided for Equipment, Research Personnel, Consumables, Travel and Contingency. Overheads is also being provided to the Implementing institution as per prevailing Norms of SERB.


Q7: What is the mode of selection for SERB-POWER research grant?

A7: The selection will be based on the recommendations of Program Advisory Committee (PAC) constituted by the Board. If required, the applicants may be called for discussion/presentation


Q8: Whether a woman Scientist can hold both SERB-POWER Fellowship & SERB-POWER RESARCH Grant at the same time?

A8: No, Woman Scientists cannot hold SERB-POWER Fellowship & SERB-POWER research grant at the same time.


Q9: I am away from my institute/university for more than 6 weeks. Do I have to take permission from SERB?

A9: Yes, you have to take permission from SERB.


Q10: I am a Co-PI in an ongoing CRG project. Can I apply for POWER-GRANT?

A10: Yes, you can apply for POWER-GRANT.


Q11: I have an ongoing EMEQ/IRPHA/ MATRIX project. Can I apply for POWER-GRANT?

A11: Yes, you can apply for POWER-GRANT.


Q12: I have an ongoing CRG/SRG/SURE/SUPRA project. Can I apply for POWER-GRANT?

A12: No, you can not apply for POWER-GRANT.


  • This Fellowship will identify and reward outstanding women researchers and innovators working in Indian academic institutions and R&D laboratories, holding in any branch of science and engineering.
  • The nominee should be an active scientist with an excellent record of research performance as an independent investigator or innovator.
  • The nominee should be an Indian citizen between 35-55 years of age working in an institution in India.
  • The nominee should not not be receiving any other fellowship from Government sources during the tenure.


  • Fellowship of Rs. 15,000/- per month in addition to regular income.
  • Research grant of Rs.10 Lakh per annum. Research grant can be used for minor equipment, research personnel, consumables, contingencies and domestic travel.
  • Overheads for the host institute.
  • Fellowship duration will be fixed for three years, without the possibility of extension.
  • Successful POWER Fellows cannot be re-nominated for the second time.


  • Applications for POWER fellowships are invited normally for nominations.The nominations should be sent by the Heads of Institutions or Fellows of National Academies.
  • The nominations will be received throughout the year through online (
  • Selection of POWER Fellows will be made twice a year by a specially constituted Search-cum-Selection committee.


Women Scientists cannot hold POWER Fellowship and POWER Grant at the same time.

For queries & more:

Email: serb-power[at]serb[dot]gov[dot]in

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q1. Who is eligible for SERB Power Fellowship?

A1: Those who are eligible for SERB Power Fellowship are:

  • Outstanding women researchers and innovators working in Indian academic institutions and R&D laboratories, holding Ph.D. degree in any branch of science and engineering.
  • The nominee should be an active scientist with an excellent record of research performance as an independent investigator or innovator.
  • The nominee should be in regular service throughout the duration of Fellowship.


Q2: Is there any age limit for PI to be eligible for the award?

A2: PI should be within 35-55 years at the time of submission of proposal.


Q3: I am already availing another Fellowship. Am I eligible for SERB Power Fellowship?

A3: No, you can avail only one fellowship at a time from government source.


Q4: Is the Fellowship received under SERB Power Fellowship taxable?

A4: Yes, the Fellowship received under SERB Power Fellowship is taxable as per I.T. rules.


Q5: What are the areas covered under SERB Power Fellowship?

A5: All Areas of Science (in the broadest terms) are covered by this Fellowship.


Q6: What is the nature of support the SERB Power Fellow is entitled for?

A6: Nature of Support SERB Power Fellow is entitled for are:

  • Fellowship of Rs. 15,000/- per month in addition to regular income.
  • Research grant of Rs. 10 lakhs per annum.
  • Overhead for the institute.


Q7:What is the duration of the SERB Power Fellowship?

A7: The SERB Power Fellowship duration is for 3 years only, without any possibility of extension.


Q8: How many times a person can avail SERB Power Fellowship?

A8: A person can avail SERB Power Fellowship only once. Successful POWER Fellows cannot be nominated for a second time.


Q9: When can a person apply for the SERB Power Fellowship? What is the last date of acceptance of the application?

A9: The nominations for the SERB Power Fellowship are accepted throughout the year through online portal only( and there is no last date of acceptance of the nomination.


Q10: Who can nominate for SERB Power Fellowship?

A10: Heads of Institutions or Fellows of National academies can send the nominations.


Q11: How does a SERB Power Fellow get her subsequent Grant?

A11: The Grant for the subsequent years is released after receiving the two hard copies of Statement of Expenditure (SE) and Utilization Certificate (UC)in the prescribed format (available in the website). The SE and UC are to be submitted financial year wise i.e. from 01stApril to 31stMarch. For the first year it would be from the Date of Start (DOS) to 31stMarch and subsequently from 01stApril to 31stMarch.


Q12: Can a fellow change the host institute during implementation of SERB Power Fellowship?

A12: A SERB Power fellow can change the host institute during implementation of SERB Power Fellowship. She has to forward NOCs from both the Institutes along with final financial papers indicating balance unspent grant from the old institute, undertaking certificate and appointment letter from the new Institute indicating the joining date and duration of the appointment.


Q13: Is there a provision for extension of the fellowship?

A13: No, there is no provision for extension.


Q14: Can a fellow avail both POWER Fellowship and POWER Grant at the same time?

A14: No, women scientist cannot hold both POWER Fellowship and POWER Grant at the same time.


Q15: What is the selection criteria of POWER Fellowship?

A15: Selection of POWER Fellows will be made twice a year by a specially constituted Search-cum-Selection Committee.


Q16: Under which heads research grant can be used?

A16: Research Grant of Rs. 10 lakh per annum can be used for minor equipment, research personnel, consumables, contingencies, and domestic travel.


Q17: What is the procedure to apply for a SERB Power Fellowship?

A17: In first step, an applicant will fill the application form on online portal. After submission of the form, a mail containing a link will be sent to the nominator by SERB. In second step, nominator will click on the link as provided in the mail to find the details of the application. After verification of the details he/she will forward the nomination to SERB.


Q18: Can SERB POWER Fellowship research grant be used for international travel?

A18: No, SERB POWER Fellowship research grant can not be used for international travel.


Q19: I am away from my institute/university for more than 6 weeks. Do I have to take permission from SERB?

A19: Yes, you have to take permission from SERB.


Q20: I am a SERB-POWER fellow, and I am visiting abroad for more than 8 weeks. Can I avail the fellowship amount and research grant for my duration of visit?

A20: The PI will not be eligible to avail the fellowship amount or receive the research grant and overhead charges under SERB POWER Fellowship during the tenure of visit (if no student is drawing fellowship/salary/emoluments from the project).


Q21: I am travelling abroad to attend a conference. Can I use the research grant for the travel expense?

A21: The travel expenses related to foreign assignment will not be covered from the research grant under the SERB POWER Fellowship.


Q22: I am a SERB POWER fellow, and I am planning to visit abroad for a certain period as part of one collaboration work. Can I get an extension for that period after the completion of the project?

A22: The PI will not be allowed any kind of extension based on the claimed visit in the SERB POWER Fellowship.