Technology Translation Award (SERB-TETRA)

SERB-TETRA (Technology Translation Award) is a new scheme for catalizing technology translation in academic setting. Translation research has gained considerable focus as it has the potential to elevate results from fundamental research to a given technology readiness level, in turn catalyzing symbiotic growth of institutional infrastructure to offer a platform for scale-up of entrepreneurial ventures, supported by a variety of funding mechanisms. SERB-TETRA will challenge scientists executing SERB grants, such as CRG, to establish an effective, functional and synergistic working collaboration with an industry partner to elevate their breakthrough results and technologies to TRL level 5 and beyond. It is implicit that PIs would have obtained necessary patents and IPR.

TETRA Support will help entities having successful ideas to kickstart new venture processes. With a seed capital, flexible working spaces and interaction between mentor and startup entrepreneurs, the SERB-TETRA will expand the scope by providing numerous networking opportunities, followed by presenting the finished prototype to an audience of large investors, established MSMEs and private companies, and public sector enterprises.

SERB-TETRA would be awarded to select PIs who have clearly demonstrated translational potential of their research (patents, etc.) and have established contact with industrial partners for fast-track graduation to a prototype stage and beyond. PIs would have also identified technology incubators in their own institution or in the vicinity who could support their endeavors. It is envisaged that a well-defined strategy to augment research innovation, via technology incubators, will add value to the CRG and other funding mechanisms supported by SERB.

SERB-TETRA aims to provide award to competitively funded Core Research Grants (CRG) and similar projects, holding potential and promise for translation at TRL 5 or beyond.

  • Submissions under TETRA can be made only by PIs of ongoing research grants and all extramural grants completed in last three years, where PI holds or applied for a patent.
  • Applicants [Principal Inventor (PI) and / or Co-Inventor(s)] should be Indian citizens. Foreign nationals (including OCI and NRI) are also eligible to apply provided they fulfil the eligibility criteria notified by SERB (SERB Funding Guidelines for foreign nationals dated 27th Oct 2016).
  • The applicant(s) must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution or national laboratory or in any other recognized R&D institution in India with at least 3 years of service remaining.
  • Private Academic institutions with valid UGC / AICTE / PCI approval, Private R&D Institutions with valid DSIR-SIRO recognition and Voluntary and Non- Governmental Organizations registered under NITI-AAYOG Darpan portal are eligible to host a project.
  • The PI and Co-Investigator(s) should hold Ph.D. degree in Science, Mathematics, Engineering or M.D / M.S. / M.D.S. / M.V.Sc degree at the time of applying for grant.
  • The funding will be provided normally for a period of two years.
  • The award will entail an unstructured budget up to 15 lakhs per year (without international travel), including overhead.
  • An applicant is eligible to apply only one proposal during a call (as a PI or Co-PI).
  • Any proposal technically rejected should not be resubmitted without any substantial revision to any schemes or programs of the SERB.
  • Not more than one project is allowed at any given time as a Principal Inventor under the program TETRA.
  • The Call for applications will be notified through the website "" and "". The application form along with a proper research proposal highlighting the research work to be undertaken should be submitted online through the website "".
  • The proposals will be evaluated through a stringent peer-review processes by a suitable Programme Advisory Committee.
  • The selection will be based on the recommendations of Program Advisory Committee (PAC) constituted by the Board. If required, the applicants maybe called for discussion/ presentation.

Proposals submitted must be original in ideation and content. Plagiarism in any form will not be acceptable. All submitted proposals might be subjected to a third-party similarity check and proposals are liable to be rejected if found plagiarised. Any text taken verbatim from other source needs to be identified using quotation marks and proper reference. Applicants are requested to pre-check their proposals for plagiarism before uploading.

SERB has adopted Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) Policy to imbibe a culture of social commitment among SERB Grantees. The policy intends to effectively utilize scientific infrastructure and expertise of SERB grantees to benefit other S&T stakeholders especially the less-endowed researchers and the society. SSR activities need to be chosen after approval and depending on the activities chosen additional budget would be provided under separate head to carry out the chosen activities. SERB Grantees need to undertake the proposed SSR activities during their project period.

For successful online submission of the application the following points may be noted:

  • Applicant should first register into the online website.  click here to register.
  • After successful registration, user will be sent a confirmation mail on registered emaiID. User must click on the url provided in the mail to confirm registration.
  • After log-in, applicant(s) are required to fill all the mandatory fields in Profile Detail section under User Profile. which includes Bio-data, Photo, Institute Address etc.
  • Details of Patent, Publications in last 5 years, Projects, Research Collaboration, Academic Supervision of all investigators (PI and all Co-Inventor's) has to be provided.
  • Some of the details of your proposed work like Title (max 500 characters), Patent summary (max 3000 characters), Keywords (max 6), Translation Methodology (max 1500 characters), Expected output and outcome (max 1500 characters), Innovation (max 1000 characters), Gap area (max 1000 characters) and Advantage of Prototype/ Product to be developed (max 1000 characters) have to be entered at the time of proposal submission.
  • Other relevant information of the proposal has to be uploaded in single PDF file not more than 10 MB as other technical document (OTD).�Download Template
  • Documents required (in PDF) should be in prescribed format:
    i. Biodata (under user profile section)�Download Template
    ii. Certificate from -> Principal Investigator/Inventor�Download Template
    iii. Endorsement Letter from the Head of Institution�Download Template
    iv. Documents related to Technology Transfer from completed/ ongoing project
    v. Support Letter if there is any tie-up with any Start-up or Industry
  • Plagiarism undertaking Download Template
Contact details
Member Secretary
Dr. Pramod Kumar Prasad, Scientist 'D'
Science and Engineering Research Board
3rd & 4th Floor, Block II,
Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi-110016
Email: pk-prasad[at]anrf[dot]gov[dot]in
Program Coordinator
Dr. Dipti Kakkar Thukral, Scientist 'G'
Email: scientistg-ls[at]anrf[dot]gov[dot]in

Frequently asked questions

Q1: Who is eligible for TETRA?

A1: -> Principal Investigators/Inventors (PIs) of ongoing SERB Projects and all extramural projects completed in the last three years, where PI holds or has applied a patent, with an acknowledgement to SERB support.


Q2: How often the awards will be granted?

A2: Call for application would be made and awards would be granted once in a year.


Q3: I am already implementing another SERB project. Am I eligible for TETRA?

A3: Yes. TETRA is an award of recognition and can be concurrently held with other SERB projects.


Q4: I have applied for a number of patents. Can I submit multiple application?

A4: No. You can submit only one application at a time mentioning about the patent details having the best translational potential.


Q5: I have forgotten to acknowledge SERB in many of my publications and patent, but I have large number of publications from the project. Will I be considered for the award?

A5: Only publications in which SERB grant is acknowledged will be considered as project output.


Q6: Will all the PIs who holds or applied for a patent receive award under TETRA Scheme?

A6:No. The selection committee would choose the awardees based on potential of translation for applied or granted patent.


Q7: I have completed an CRG project 5 years ago and hold a patent with acknowledgement of SERB support. Will I be considered for the award?

A7: No. Only PIs of ongoing projects and all extramural projects completed in previous three financial years will be considered.