Prime Minister Early Career Research Grant

Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) has been recently established by an Act of Parliament, ANRF Act 2023, to seed, grow and foster a culture of research and innovation throughout the country. Under the guidance of Hon'ble Prime Minister, the President of the ANRF Governing Board, the foundation is set to commence several new initiatives to strengthen India's research and innovation ecosystem and accelerate scientific advancement through programs with diverse mandates as well as a series of measures to enhance ease of doing research.
Early career researchers are at the forefront of innovation and excellence, playing a vital role in the scientific and technological progress of the country. ANRF recognises that early career researchers are committed to produce research of the highest quality, bringing in new skills, breakthrough ideas and the zest to explore new frontiers, thereby expanding the boundaries of knowledge. This commitment of the early career researchers will significantly contribute in driving the ambitions of ANRF in positioning the country as a global leader in science and technology as well as creating a vibrant research ecosystem. ANRF considers its responsibility to empower and support the early career researchers in their pursuit of research excellence, providing them with an enabling environment to effectively conduct research with ease and flexibility. Pursuant to this objective, ANRF is initiating the program, Prime Minister's Early Career Research Grant to assist researchers to initiate their research career in a new institution with a flexible budget and progressive initiatives for ease of doing research.

Nature & duration of support:
  • Research grant up to Rs. 60 lakh plus overheads for a period of three years.
  • The measures for ease of doing research include flexibility to utilize resources under recurring head; flexibility in manpower recruitment; enhanced travel, contingency and overhead charges; and support for expenses related to open access publications and patent filing charges.
  • International travel for project related activities is also permitted.
  • Maximum of 700 grants would be awarded per year across all subject areas.

(PM ECRG subsumes the Startup Research Grant (SRG) scheme of erstwhile SERB)

Note:A one-time relaxation of the following eligibility criteria is accorded for the current call:

  • The upper age limit of 42 years, with a relaxation of three years for SC/ST/OBC/ Physically challenged and women candidates, will be calculated as on February 01, 2024 instead of "as on date of submission".
  • The applicant should have joined the institution on or after February 01, 2022 instead of 'the applicant is eligible to apply within two years of joining the institution'.

  • The applicant should be an Indian citizen. PIO/OCI working as regular employees in any of the public funded and recognized R&D laboratories/institutions in India are eligible to apply as PI in collaboration with an Indian Co-PI, provided they fulfill the eligibility criteria notified by ANRF (ANRF Funding Guidelines for PIO/OCI) The applicant should hold a PhD degree in Science or Engineering or MD/MS/ MDS/MVSc degree.
  • The applicant must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution, national laboratories or any other recognized R&D institution.
  • The applicant is eligible to apply within two years of joining the institution.
  • The upper age limit for PM ECRG would be 42 years, with a relaxation of three years for SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged and women candidates.
  • Research Associates, Post doctoral Fellows, Ad-hoc faculties, Guest faculties, Visiting Scientists, Consultants, Project Fellows and faculty members whose contract is renewed every year are not eligible under PM ECRG. In respect of cases that are not mentioned above, ANRF reserves the right to determine the eligibility.
  • Co-PIs are not allowed except in the case of PIO/OCI.
  • The applicant should not have received YSS, ECR, SRG, CRG (erstwhile EMR), EMEQ or any other project grant of the erstwhile SERB or ANRF.

Mode of application and selection
  • The Call for applications will be notified through the website The application should be submitted online at : Already registered PIs with the SERBONLINE portal( may Login using the same credentials).
  • Selection will be based on the recommendations of Expert Committee.

Termination and transfer of the project
  • If any Principal Investigator (PI) wishes to terminate the project, they shall inform ANRF immediately with proper justifications. The implementing institute should not incur any expenditure from the date of termination of the project or the date of resignation of the PI. The institute must also arrange for the submission of relevant documents.
  • ANRF reserves the right to terminate the project at any stage if it is convinced that (i) appropriate progress is not being made (ii) the grant has not been utilized properly (iii) furnishing of false information or suppression of factual information.
  • Projects sanctioned under PM ECRG cannot be transferred to any other person/s.
  • Transfer of approved/sanctioned PM ECRG project to another institution will be considered only in the following cases: (i) From private/public/government institution to any other public/government institution (ii) General administrative transfers in government or public funded institutions. Change of institute will not be considered in any other cases.

Other conditions
  • An applicant is eligible to apply only one proposal during a call.
  • The PM ECRG would be a one-time career grant.
  • Extension of the project tenure is not permitted under PM ECRG.
I. Operational Flexibility:

Operational flexibility under Recurring - I head (consumables, research personnel, travel, contingency, and other costs) is provided to the PI, subject to the following conditions.

a) Travel:
  • The expenditure under the travel head is limited to Rs. 3 Lakh for a three-year project, and proportionately lower for projects of shorter duration, except (where the project entails field work etc.) in cases where a higher amount for travel is explicitly sanctioned in the project.
  • International travel for project-related work is permitted within the travel head. However, the expenditure is limited to Rs. 3 Lakh for a three-year project, and proportionately lower for projects of shorter duration.

b) Contingency:
  • The expenditure under the contingency head is limited to Rs. 3 Lakh for a three-year project, and proportionately lower for projects of shorter duration.
  • Contingency funds can be utilized for registration charges for international conferences.

c) Research Personnel:
  • Operational flexibility is provided for engaging research personnel in the project subject to the following conditions:
      (a) The norms for emoluments, and general terms and conditions of research personnel engaged in the project will be as per ANRF norms, informed through Office Memoranda viz., ANRF/OM/N/01/2024 and SB/S9/Z-06/2019 and updated time to time.
      (b) The PI shall ensure that the total funds sanctioned under the recurring head is not exceeded in any case.
  • All personnel, including Research personnel engaged under the project, for the full/part duration of the project, are to be treated as temporary employees and will be governed by the administrative rules/service conditions (for leave, TA/DA etc.) of the host institute. They are not to be treated as employees of the ANRF or Government of India nor permanent employees of the host institute and the ANRF will have no liability, whatsoever, for the personnel after completion of the project duration.

d) Publication and patent filing charges:
Expenditure towards open access publications in top journals of any discipline is permitted. However, the PI must obtain prior approval from ANRF to utilize the project funds for publication related expenditures, through the ANRF online portal. Funds under the recurring head can also be utilized for patent filing charges.

e) Interoperability or reappropriation between non-recurring and recurring budgets is not permitted under any circumstances.

f) Equipment: The change of approved or sanctioned equipment is generally not permitted and may only be considered on a case-by-case basis. The PI must obtain prior approval from ANRF to change the approved or sanctioned equipment.

II. Transfer, Extension, and Termination of the Project:
  • The project is individual-centric and cannot be transferred to any other person(s).
  • Change of host institution can be undertaken only after obtaining due approval from ANRF. Change of host institute will be considered only (i) from a private/public/government institution to any other public/government institution or (ii) General administrative transfers in government or public funded institutions. Change of institute will not be considered for any other cases.
  • Extension of the project tenure is not permitted under PM ECRG.
  • If the PI wishes to terminate the project, they shall inform ANRF immediately with proper justification. The host institute should not incur any expenditure from the date of termination of the project or the date of resignation of the PI, whichever is earlier.
  • The PI must seek the consent of ANRF if they intend to be away from the implementing institute (except for field work related to the project) continuously for a period of more than eight weeks.

III. Monitoring the Progress of the Project:
  • PI should submit annual progress reports, in its specified format, through the ANRF online portal.
  • The project will be periodically monitored by ANRF. The PI should attend the Monitoring Meetings/Workshops to present the progress/outcome of the research project, as and when organized.
  • ANRF may designate a specialist or an Expert Panel to visit the host institute to review the progress of the work being carried out and to suggest suitable measures to ensure realization of the objectives of the project.

IV. Utilization of the Funds:
  • The host institute and the Principal Investigator (PI) must ensure that the funds are used exclusively for the approved research project.
  • The host institute must maintain separate audited accounts for the project. Funds should be kept in an interest-earning bank account, with any accrued interest reported to the ANRF in the Statement of Expenditure (SE) or Utilization Certificate (UC).
  • The interest shall be returned to ANRF via a demand draft drawn in favor of "Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) Fund", payable at New Delhi.
  • The fund shall not be utilized for construction of any building unless specific provision is made for that purpose by ANRF. The host institute is responsible for providing essential infrastructure (accommodation, space, water, electricity, communication, etc.) for the project.
  • Any expenditure incurred prior to the issue of the financial sanction and after the expiry of the sanctioned duration of the project, will not be admissible.
  • Any unspent balance must be returned to the ANRF via a demand draft drawn in favor of "Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) Fund", payable at New Delhi, upon project completion.
  • The host institute/PI cannot transfer project implementation to another institution or redirect funds as assistance. If the project is not completed, the institute must refund the full amount or remaining balance, plus applicable interest.
  • ANRF can terminate the project if it finds that progress is insufficient, funds are misused, or false or misleading information is provided by the PI/host institute.

V. Release of Next Instalment of Funds:
  • At the end of each financial year (FY) and at the time of seeking further instalment of grant, the Institute/PI has to furnish the following documents strictly as per ANRF formats, and upload the same through the ANRF online portal:
    • Audited Utilization Certificate (UC), and up to date Statement of Expenditure (SE) for the financial year in the correct format.
    • Annual / interim progress report, as per approved format.
    • List of publications / patents, if any, from the project.
    • List of Assets acquired till that Financial Year.
  • The release of next instalment of grant will be contingent upon the submission of financial statements and its acceptance by ANRF.
  • ANRF shall carry forward any unspent balance of funds from the previous financial year to the next financial year, during the tenure of the project.

VI. Settlement of Accounts of the Project:
  • The following documents must be uploaded to the ANRF online portal within three months after the completion of the project duration:
    • Final Consolidated Statement of Expenditure (SE), giving expenditure financial year wise (FY) from date of start till date of completion.
    • Utilization Certificates (FY wise), matching with Statement of Expenditure figures.
    • Project Completion Report (PCR) with a list of publications, and patents filed/granted.
    • DD/ cheque for the unspent funds, drawn in favour of Anusandhan National Research Foundation (ANRF) Fund', payable at New Delhi. The DD/Cheque must be posted to the Program Officer, ANRF.
  • The Principal Investigator (PI) is primarily responsible for the timely submission of utilization certificates, statements of expenditure, progress/monitoring reports, the project closure report (PCR), and the refund of any unspent balance at the end or in the event of early closure of the project. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, the PI is unable to settle the project's accounts, the host institution must submit the above documents to ANRF for the proper closure and settlement of the project's accounts.

VII. Maintenance of Assets Procured Under the Project:
  • The host institute must maintain an audited register of permanent or semi-permanent assets acquired primarily with capital funds, including immovable property and movable capital assets listed in the sanction order. The institute may be required to send a list of these assets to the ANRF.
  • Assets acquired with project funds are considered part of the Institutional Inventory, gifted by the ANRF. They cannot be disposed of or encumbered without prior ANRF's approval. ANRF has the discretion to allow other investigators to utilize the assets for projects sanctioned by the ANRF or advice the host institute to transfer them to any other institute if it is considered appropriate.
  • The Comptroller & Auditor General of India (CAG), at its discretion, shall have the right of access to the books and accounts of the Institute maintained in respect of the fund received from the ANRF.

For online submission of the application the following points may be noted:

  • Applicants should first register in the ANRF online portal,  click here to register
  • After log-in, applicants are required to fill in all the mandatory fields under User Profile section, which includes Bio-data, Photo, Institute address, etc.
  • Some of the details of a proposal like Project Title (max 500 characters), Project summary (max 3000 characters), Keywords (max 6), Objectives of the project (max 1500 characters), Expected output and outcome of the proposal (max 1500 characters), Budget (Research Personnel, Consumables, Travel, Equipment, Contingency, Overheads ) have to be entered at the time of proposal submission.
  • Other relevant information of the proposal has to be uploaded as a single PDF file, not more than 10 MB, as a Technical Document (TD).Download Template

Documents required (in PDF format)

Q1. What is the age limit for availing PM ECRG?

A1: The upper age limit for PM ECRG is 42 years, with a relaxation of three years for SC/ST/OBC/ Physically challenged and women candidates.


Q2: What is the nature of support under PM ECRG scheme?

A2: PM ECRG is a one-time grant and carries a maximum research grant of Rs. 60 Lakhs (excluding overheads) for a period of three years. The research grant covers equipment, research personnel, consumables, travel and contingency apart from overheads.


Q3: What is the duration of the PM ECRG project? Can it be extended?

A3: PM ECRG project period is of 3 years. There is no provision for extension of the project duration.


Q4:When should I apply for PM ECRG? Can I apply for the projects throughout the year?

A4: The Call for applications will be notified through the website and . The application form along with a proper research proposal highlighting the research work to be undertaken should be submitted online through the website during the call opening period.


Q5: How should I apply for PM ECRG?

A5: All applications should be submitted through the ANRF online portal


Q6: Can I have a Co-PI in PM ECRG project? Can I have a Mentor in PM ECRG?

A6: Co-PI or Mentors are not allowed in this scheme. However, foreign nationals are mandated to have an Indian Co-PI.


Q7: I am working abroad as post-doc, and I want to return to India. I intend to apply for PM ECRG. But I have not yet finalized my place of work. Am I eligible to apply under the scheme?

A7: No. The applicant must hold a regular academic/research position in a recognized academic institution/ or national laboratories or any other recognized R&D institutions. Only after joining a research or academic institution, one can apply for the grants under this scheme.


Q8: I am implementing an PM ECRG project for the last one year. Am I eligible to apply for another project under any other scheme/award or fellowship programs of ANRF?

A8: In general, a PI is allowed to operate only one ANRF project at a time. Exceptions are allowed for some specific calls under certain topics/programs/schemes. In all other cases, PI can submit another proposal under regular schemes of ANRF six months prior to the date of completion of the ongoing PM ECRG project.


Q9: What documents should I send for receiving the next instalments of the grant?

A9: The PIs should upload annual Progress Report and financial statements at the end of each financial year. The release of the next instalment of the grant will be considered only after submission of Utilization Certificate (separately for Recurring & Non-recurring) and Statement of Expenditure, financial year wise.


Q10: I intend to change my Host Institution? What procedure should I follow?

A10: Change of host institute will be considered only (i) from a private/public/government institution to any other public/government institution or (ii) General administrative transfers in government or public funded institutions. Change of institute will not be considered for any other cases. Change of host institution can be undertaken only after obtaining due approval from ANRF.Transfer of the project along with balance grant and the assets to the new institute is allowed, provided the administrative authority of both institutes agree in writing. NOC from the previous host institute and Endorsement Form from the new host Institute must be sent to ANRF through the online portal.


Q11: What is the procedure for surrendering PM ECRG project?

A11: For termination of the project, PI need to inform the ANRF through the host institution immediately. The implementing institute should not incur any expenditure from the date of termination of the project or the date of resignation of PI. The institute must also arrange for the submission of relevant documents.


Q12: Can I be away from the implementing Institute when I am implementing the PM ECRG project?

A12: The PIs must seek the consent of ANRF if he/she intends to be away from the implementing institute (except for field work related to the project) continuously for a period of more than eight weeks.


Q13: What should be done for the unspent grant under PM ECRG project after the completion of the tenure of the project?

A13: The following documents should be sent to the ANRF after the duration of the project is completed:

  • Final Consolidated Statement of Expenditure (in duplicate) , giving expenditure financial year wise (FY) from date of start till date of completion.
  • Utilization Certificates (FY wise) for all FYs (in duplicate) matching with Statement of Expenditure figures in that FY.
  • Project Completion Report (PCR) with a list of publications, and patents filed/granted.
  • DD/ cheque for the unspent grant, drawn in favor of 'Science & Engineering Research Fund'.
  • The Principal Investigator is responsible for the timely submission of progress reports, utilization certificates, project closure report (PCR), refund of unspent balance amount etc. at the end or early closure of the project.


Q14: I am an INSPIRE Faculty Fellow. Am I eligible to apply for PM ECRG?

A14: Yes. INSPIRE Faculty, Ramanujan and Ramalingaswamy Fellows are eligible to apply under PM ECRG subject to fulfilling all other eligibility criteria.


Q15: I was National Post Doctoral Fellow (NPDF). Am I eligible to apply for PM ECRG?

A15: Yes. Applicants who have availed NPDF, SIRE are eligible to apply under PM ECRG subject to fulfilling all other eligibility criteria.


Q16: I have an ongoing TARE project. Can I apply for PM ECRG?

A16: Applicants having ongoing TARE project can submit proposal under PM ECRG six months prior to the completion of ongoing project, subject to fulfilling all other eligibility criteria.


Q17: What is the budget limit under 'Travel' and 'Contingency' Heads in PM ECRG?

A17: Budget upto Rs.1 lakh per year each under 'Travel' and 'Contingency' heads will be provided. Higher amount under 'Travel' head based on the recommendation of Expert Committee will be provided where the research work involves field work.


Q18: Are the funds sanctioned under recurring head flexible?

A18: The funds sanctioned under the Recurring-I head are flexible, meaning the PI can use money allocated for consumables, manpower, travel, contingency, publications, or patent filing. However, there are some conditions to follow (See terms and conditions of the scheme, under travel and contingency).


Q19: Are there any upper limit on travel expenditure for the project?

A19: Yes. The expenditure under the travel head is limited to Rs. 3 Lakh for a threeyear project, and proportionately lower for projects of shorter duration, except (where the project entails field work etc.) in cases where a higher amount for travel is explicitly sanctioned in the project. International travel is permitted within this limit.


Q20: Are there any limits on contingency expenditure for the project?

A20: Yes, the expenditure under the contingency head is also limited to Rs. 3 Lakh for a three-year project, or proportionately lower for shorter projects.


Q21: Can I use the contingency funds for paying registration fees for international conferences?

A21: Yes. Contingency funds can be used for registration charges for international conferences.


Q22: Are there specific guidelines for engaging research personnel in the project?

A22: Yes, the PI can engage research personnel as per ANRF norms, as informed through OMs - ANRF/OM/N/01/2024 and SB/S9/Z-06/2019. Additionally, the total funds under the recurring budget should not be exceeded in any case.


Q23: One JRF is approved in my project. Can I engage a SRF or an R.A or multiple research personnel in the project?

A23: Yes, the Principal Investigator (PI) has the flexibility to recruit research personnel of any designation, or multiple personnel, as needed during the course of the project. However, the PI / host institution must ensure that (a) guidelines as per ANRF's OMs viz., ANRF/OM/N/01/2024 and SB/S9/Z-06/2019 are followed, (b) total funds sanctioned under the recurring head are not exceeded in any case and (c) Any future revision of emoluments by the ANRF will apply only to the originally approved or sanctioned research personnel for the revised fellowships.


Q24: Can I delay the acceptance of the project implementation?

A24: No. The Principal Investigator (PI) must generally complete the documentation process within one month from the date the approval letter is issued. Any delay or lack of correspondence beyond one month from the PI, shall result in the withdrawal of the proposal approval.


Q25: Can I reallocate or reappropriate funds between recurring and nonrecurring budgets?

A25: No, interoperability or reappropriation between the non-recurring and recurring budgets is not permitted under any circumstances.


Q26: Can the approved equipment list be changed during the project?

A26: The change of approved or sanctioned equipment is generally not permitted and may only be considered on a case-by-case basis. The PI must obtain prior approval from ANRF to change the approved or sanctioned equipment.


Q27: How can I seek approval for publication-related expenditures?

A27: The PI must submit a request through the ANRF online portal to obtain prior approval for publication-related expenditure.