Considering the overwhelming response for the fixed grant scheme MATRICS, devised for active researchers pursuing Mathematical Sciences and the demand from researchers belonging to other Theoretical Sciences, the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) has decided to extend the fixed grant scheme to other Theoretical Sciences including Quantitative Social Sciences.
To provide fixed grant support to active researchers with good credentials in Mathematical Sciences, Theoretical Sciences and Quantitative Social Sciences. The main attribute of this scheme would be submission of a simple 1-2 page mathematical/theoretical proposal. The funding provided would cater to the specific needs of Mathematical/Theoretical Sciences research.
(Total expenditure for International travel cannot exceedRs.2,00,000 of the overall budget)
At the end of each year, the recipients should upload annual report including list of publications and details of talks given in conferences and collaborations that have been initiated.
Proposals submitted need to be original and plagiarism in any form will not be acceptable. All submitted proposals would be subjected to a third party similarity check and proposals are liable to be rejected if found plagiarised. Any text taken verbatim from other source needs to be identified using quotation marks and proper reference. Applicants are requested to pre-check their proposals for plagiarism before uploading to avoid any serious repercussions at a later stage.
SERB has adopted Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) Policy to imbibe a culture of social commitment among SERB Grantees. The policy intends to effectively utilize scientific infrastructure and expertise of SERB grantees to benefit other S&T stakeholders especially the less-endowed researchers and the society. SSR activities need to be chosen after approval and SERB Grantees need to undertake these SSR activities during their project period.
Q1: What is the difference between Core Research Grant (CRG) and MATRICS Scheme?
A1: : While CRG is core grant scheme without limitations on budget, MATRICS offers a fixed grant of 2 lakh p.a. plus overheads. Expenditure for research personnel and major equipments are not supported in this scheme. MATRICS Scheme is tailored for active mathematicians/theoreticians with a flexible but fixed budget. The proposal format is also simple which requires 1 â 2page summary of the mathematical work to be carried out.
Q2: Can I apply for a project under MATRICS scheme when I am already implementing another project under CRG/ECR?
A2: Yes. PIs who have an ongoing project of SERB under other programs/schemes are eligible to apply.
Q3: Can I have a Co-PI in the project?
A3: Co-PI is not permitted under the scheme.
Q4: Can I apply for MATRICS scheme after my superannuation in academic institutions/national labs or any other recognized R&D institutions?
A4: No.The applicant should have at least four years of service remaining before superannuation as on the date of submission of the proposal.
Q5: I am working as a post-doctoral researcher. Am I eligible to apply under the scheme?
A5: : No. The applicant should be working on regular basis in academic institutions/national labs or any other recognized R&D institutions.
Q6: Is there any specific time-line for applying proposals under this scheme?
A6: Proposals under MATRICS scheme can be submitted only when the call for proposal is made. The call will be notified in the website and
Q7: Does SERB discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions in funding?
A7: No. SERB does not discriminate Project Investigators working in Private Universities/Institutions. Funding decisions are made based on merit of the proposal, competence of the Investigator(s), and the infrastructure available in the implementing institution, and not on the category of institutions the Investigator is working.